There are different types of radar sensors
There are different types of Radar sensors which include the following.
Millimeter-Wave Radar sensors
The sensor which uses millimeter waves is known as a millimeter-wave radar sensor. Generally, millimeter waves have a 30 to 300 GHz frequency domain. Among them, 77Ghz & 24Ghz Radar sensors are used in automobiles for collision avoidance. The millimeter-wave wavelength ranges in between centimeter wave & lightwave. The advantages of millimeter-wave are photoelectric guidance and microwave guidance.
Millimeter-wave radar has many characteristics as compared to centimeter wave radar-like spatial resolution is high, simple integration, and small size. As compared to optical sensors like lasers, infrared, cameras, this sensor has a strong capacity to penetrate smoke, dust, fog & anti-interference capacity. These Radar sensors are used in security, automotive electrons, intelligent transportation, and drones.
CW Doppler Radar sensors
A CW Doppler radar sensor or continuous wave Doppler radar operates at 915 MHz frequency. This radar sensor works with Doppler Effect for measuring the object’s speed at various distances. This sensor transmits a microwave signal to a target & analyzes the change in frequency in the reflected signal, the difference between the reflected & transmitted frequencies, and also measures the target speed precisely which is relative to the radar.
FMCW Radar sensors
The term “FMCW” stands for frequency modulated continuous wave radar. This sensor frequency will be changed with the time based on the triangle wave’s law. The echo signal frequency which is received by the radar is similar to the emission frequency. They both are triangular waves but there is a tiny difference in time. So this tiny difference is used to calculate the target distance.
We specialize in manufacturing Radar sensors in China. we have the highest technology and stable quality control, welcome to inquiry it, please contact us by e-mail for quotation requests, please provide quantity and any other specific requirements. sensors is used in vehicle speed detection