What is Radar Sensor?
The sensor which is used to measure the distance, velocity and movements of objects above wide distances is known as a Radar sensors and also measures the relative speed of the noticed object. This sensor uses wireless detecting technology like FMCW (Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave) to detect the motion by figuring out the object’s shape, position, motion trajectory & motion characteristics.
As compared to other types of sensors, these sensors are not affected by darkness & light. These sensors can detect longer distances & it is secure for people & animals. Here the carrier frequency is modulated constantly in a small range of bandwidth. Once the signal from an object is reflected back, then it is feasible to determine the distance & also the object speed by comparing frequency.
This sensor uses an extremely high carrier frequency to produce a very thin beam cone and also notices even small objects without interference from adjacent objects above large distances.
We specialize in manufacturing Radar sensors in China. we have the highest technology and stable quality control, welcome to inquiry it, please contact us by e-mail sales@radar-sensors.com for quotation requests, please provide quantity and any other specific requirements.