The VEGAPULS 64 and 69 80 GHz radar sensors have an extremely wide dynamic range, allowing them to measure media with poor reflective properties significantly better than standard Radar sensors.

These high-frequency measuring instruments, courtesy of their unique 120 dB, are also able to handle extraordinarily difficult measuring situations. These include turbulent product surfaces, foam, and build-up or condensation on the antenna.

How, though, is a measurement application affected by the dynamics? The following 3 facts explain the basics:

  1. Decibels or dB are a ‘ratio’ rather than a measure. This ratio explains the power level by comparing two number quantities against each other.
  2. dB are logarithmic rather than linear. Consequently, the total value is multiplied exponentially by each additional dB. In practice, this translates as this: an extra 3 dB doubles the power, while the power is increased one million times by an extra 60 dB.
  3. The dynamic range in level measurement can be better understood by the following rule of thumb: 26 GHz standard sensors, similar to many 80 GHz sensors, operate with a dynamic range of approximately 90 dB. VEGA’s 80 GHz radar sensors – such as VEGAPULS 64 and 69 – reach up to 120 dB. The dynamic performance is improved 1000-fold by the difference of 30 dB in practice!

It is also worth knowing that the smallest of reflections can be detected by a dynamic range of 120 dB. This makes the measurement of media with low dielectric constants, such as fine-particle silica or polystyrene beads, straightforward.

We specialize in manufacturing Radar sensors in China. we have the highest technology and stable quality control, welcome to inquiry it, please contact us by e-mail for quotation requests, please provide quantity and any other specific requirements.

Radar sensorsRadar sensors is used in height limit detection
The VEGAPULS 64 and 69 80 GHz radar sensors have an extremely wide dynamic range, allowing them to measure media with poor reflective properties significantly better than standard Radar sensors. These high-frequency measuring instruments, courtesy of their unique 120 dB, are also able to handle extraordinarily difficult measuring situations. These...